• Bursary
  • bendahari@um.edu.my
  • +603-7967 3205


The following frequently asked questions are common among those contemplating University Malaya (UM). This page provides answers to these questions and provides links to useful UM websites that provide additional answers.



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Is PTj/department allowed to handle collection on behalf of UM?

Collection must be made online through the portal provided as follows:

1) E -Pay - Collection of various revenue
2) UMPoint - Rental of space and facilities
3) UMEvent - Conferences and activities

If there is a need to make a collection manually at the counter, PTj/Department must obtain WRITTEN APPROVAL from the Financial Controller.

PTj/Department must activate the payment menu in the portal through the following steps:

(i) E-pay
Fill in the E-Pay registration form and email it to bursar_cash@um.edu.my

(ii) UMEvent & UMPoint
Apply for activation to the appointed system administrator.

Customers must be informed that the University Malaya only accepts CASHLESS payments and each customer must obtain an official receipt for each payment made to the University.

An example of notice to the customer is as follow:

All payments should be made payable to BENDAHARI UNIVERSITI MALAYA.

No. Collections should not be lent, used to pay expenditures or exchanged for any reason.
Online collection via portal allows transactions to be recorded in PTj/Department in ‘real-time’. Each PTj/Department is required to appoint an administrator to monitor transactions in the portal. Administrators should make periodic checks to the report to ensure collections have been processed and recorded accurately.
The staff/Supervisor who handles the collection of money is responsible to IMMEDIATELY report the loss to the Head of PTj/Department.

Insurance claims must be submitted to the relevant parties as soon as possible.

No. It is forbidden for any PTj/department or student organisation to open a bank account to deposit university funds. All receipts collected in the course of assigned duties by any PTj/department are considered university funds and must be deposited through the Bursary.
The Head of PTj should review the cash receipt process, and physical security should be emphasised to all employees who handle cash, including:

● Restrict cash access to as few people as possible.
● Store cash in a secure location appropriate for the amount of money on hand.
● Only allow authorised personnel to use combinations and passwords
● Change combinations and passwords on an annual basis and whenever there is a change in related personnel.
● Count cash in a private, secure location that is not easily visible to others.
● Make arrangements with the Security Office if you want an officer to accompany you while transporting money.

Last Update: 13/01/2022