• Bursary
  • bendahari@um.edu.my
  • +603-7967 3205


The following frequently asked questions are common among those contemplating Universiti Malaya (UM). This page provides answers to these questions and provides links to useful UM websites that provide additional answers.



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Are applicants and approvers' links different?

Information of the applicant/approver/recipient could be changed through the applicant's page in the 'Amendment of Quotation Information' icon.
No, the Applicant must cancel the quotation and request the new one.
Applicants can request to close quotation advertisements earlier by updating the procurement information. Approval will be given by the Procurement Section. Once approved, the advertisement closing date will be updated by the system.
Applicants can request for an extension of the advertisement closing period by updating the information before the advertisement closing date. Approval will be given by the Procurement Section if the advertisement has not been closed. The closing date for the advertisement will be updated by the system once approval is given.
Applicants can request to re-open the quotation advertisements after the closing date if there is no bidder by updating the information. Approval will be given by Procurement Section. Once approved, the quotation will be re-opened according to the updated advertisement period.
Applicants need to verify supplier data first, so that the 'Recommended' option can be displayed by the system.

Last Update: 13/01/2022