• Bursary
  • bendahari@um.edu.my
  • +603-7967 3205


The following frequently asked questions are common among those contemplating University Malaya (UM). This page provides answers to these questions and provides links to useful UM websites that provide additional answers.



Please select :

How can I Apply for Financial Assistance / Aid?

Please check the infographic on this topic via: UMSItS Guide
If you are sponsored by a third party such as an embassy, government, or employer, you must provide evidence of their sponsorship by sending the Sponsorship letter via e-mail to bursar_student@um.edu.my. Please ensure you label the document as Sponsorship Letter. The letter must include, at least, details as:

i. Duration of sponsorship (from when to when, or exact dates).
ii. Person-in-charge's contact details such as name(s), telephone number, email, physical address.
iii. Type of scholarship, either it is a full scholarship or only certain fees are covered.

You will be updated as a sponsored student. The sponsorship record will be reflected on account statement. You do not have to pay semester fees beforehand to complete their registration, unlike self-finance students. Once you have confirmed your registration for the semester, Bursar Office will generate invoices and will send them to the sponsor.

Sponsor will then need to provide us the proof of payment once invoices are paid so that that payment will be updated in students' account statement

Last Update: 13/01/2022