• Bursary
  • bendahari@um.edu.my
  • +603-7967 3205

Dear Campus Community,

Greetings and warm regards

Congratulations to all the staff (Executive & Operational) who have been promoted in the recent promotional exercise, whose names are as listed below. May all join hands as a spirited UM Team in spearheading the excellence and eminence of the university in all fronts and together, aspirations will be achieved and success attained where the best days are ahead.

Ms. Nurul Nabilah Radzuan (W44)

Mr. Hanif Sabtu (W44)
Fakulty of Medicine

Ms. Normazila Jamal (W44)
Fakulty of Dentistry


Encik Wan Mohd Sofi Wan Mustapha 
Financial Controller/ Bursar

Last Update: 13/01/2022